You get an amusing brainwave. Weigh all the possibilties. Plan practically. Work on it. Get the butterflies in your stomach for being an inch away from making it into reality. But all of a sudden, everything comes to a standstill. And all that you had dreamt of, gets arrested in your head only. Nothing of it takes reality and what happens to your feelings, is an inconsiderate matter.
Whats left behind is despair. The confidence you had in yourself, for doing wonders, comes crumbling down. This is my current state of mind. My long woven dream has been torn apart. Not mine exactly, but my mom's. I am devastated because I had braced myself up for a drastic change that was to take place soon in my life. But now I definitely, do not see that happening anymore.
My day took off a pleasant start, since it was Beeya's 21st. I merrily spent the entire day, planning a surprise bash for her, attending an outdoor party, which I never realized was going to be one of its kind. The surprise party turned out to be a bigger surprise for us, the hosts, when an unexpected, unwelcomed guest decided to grace the event with his presence. It was truly an epic performance! But as soon as I was done with Beeya's thank-you hugs and kisses, and got back home, I was awaited by the unpleasant news. It didn't take me long enough to lapse in despondency.
I wish, I gather some degree of humbleness in myself. And pay gratitude to my LORD for giving me the blessings I have been ignoring all this time. By the time I have reached to the conclusion of this writing, I have realized, that dreams or no dreams, He has plans that are more splendorous than our dreams. The difference only being, that we can't envisage His planning.
Thank you Allah. XOXO ♥